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Dashboard Overview

After logging in, creating disk, and adding a client, all iSCSI Storage functionality and its interface becomes available to the ICDC Storage user.

The service interface is divided into two blocks: Quotas and Disks/Clients tab:


Quotas - available data pools (available resources information) for user:

  • storage type (nvme/ssd/hdd),
  • number of disks (Disks),
  • the storage usage space (GB),
  • number of added clients,
  • number of snapshots.

Сhanging Quota

Adding and changing a quota is available only to the account administrator by clicking the Add quota and Edit buttons.
Adding a quota may not be available when all data pools have been used. (not available in user interface)


The second block of the interface differs depending on the choice of tabs: Disks/Clients.

  • Disks tab:
    A list of the created disks, data about the owner and their space usage, assigned clients and snaphots.

  • Clients tab:
    A list of the created clients, the disks they are assigned to, username and password if CHAP authentication was preconfigured by service administrator.

User Group

In case the user has multiple assigned groups, it is possible to switch them from the drop-down menu on the right next to Role.

Access to particular service tabs is provided to user groups according to the table below:

Role Assignment Visibility Scope
Operator Owner of a public/private cloud business. All objects of all accounts in the Location are visible.
Owner Users who have full responsibility for account actions, security, and billing. All objects in the Accounts are visible.
Admin Responsible for account settings and user actions, ensuring security, but cannot manage billing. All objects in Accounts are visible, except Billing settings.
Member View and use all services in the Location. Only own objects.
Billing A deprecated role, but still supported at the moment. Own objects and all objects in Reports.