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Access to data

Each account in ICDC Artifactory is provided with a pre-created set of repositories.

Current methods for connecting to repositories can be found in the ICDC Artifactory UI:
https://artifactory.$ (URL)

For example, for docker images:

docker login artifactory.$

Image name: artifactory.$, where ACC_NAME is the account name.

For other types of repositories:

Maven: https://artifactory.$
Helm: https://artifactory.$
PyPi: https://artifactory.$
NuGet: https://artifactory.$
Raw: https://artifactory.$
NPM: https://artifactory.$
RubyGems: https://artifactory.$

(see Repositories for more details).

Roles and permissions

Action Member Admin
Adding an artifact
Modifying an artifact
Reading artifacts
Deleting artifacts
Configuring Deployment Policy/Cleanup Policy/Content Type Validation