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Quotas tab displays a list of available to the Project Manager accounts, their resource usage, and whether the notifications are enabled or disabled.

Request Quota

To change the total quota amount for the account click the menu icon to the right of the account and select Request.
In the opened window enter the desired quota for each resource and click Request to submit.

Email Notificaions

Enable this feature if you want to receive a warning email notification when the used quota amount exceeds the entered threshold (%) for at least one of the resources: CPU (Cores), RAM (GB), Disk (GB). To do this click the menu icon to the right of the account and select Edit.

After enabling the warning notification, it becomes possible to set another notification when the critical threshold is exceeded. The critical threshold must be set at least 5% higher than the warning threshold. Click Save to apply the changes.

Related documentaion: ICDC DevOps.